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My New Office

“Communicator by day. Upcycler by night.”  The phrase I use in my bio couldn’t be any more true, that’s my life in a nut-shell (minus my awesome husband, family, friends, and of course dog) for the year of 2013.  It’s been a very exciting 1st year of launching haus2home, and all the meanwhile, I’ve been working hard at advancing myself in my professional career.

As some of you may know, I recently started a new job in communications.  As if that isn’t exciting enough, I got my very first office.  Like a real office that is my own, with my own desk, table and DOOR that I can choose to leave open or close.  It’s a miracle, really.  I kind of feel like its my 12th birthday all over again when I got my own room.  It’s the little things. 🙂

So after this dramatic build up, I bet your wondering, “Why do I care that you got your own office?”  Well, let me just say two little words….OFFICE DECOR!  I can’t even tell you how much fun I have had decorating my office so far.  The best part is, there’s more wall space left for more.  So kick back, relax, and enjoy!

office tour part I

I used old wooden crates to create a bookshelf and styled it with my books and decor.  The Buffalo artwork is compliments of Ginametrical. Side note: I never realized how much I liked owls, but aren’t they cute?.

Next stop, my meeting table!  I found this awesome painting at homegoods and accented the table with a tropical plant that was outgrowing my kitchen.

Here is my absolute favorite thing in the room; a 1960’s printed fabric artwork from my favorite antique store.

Let’s take a stroll over to my “organization center.”  This is where I store all my work and write my to-do lists! I’m in the process of getting more photos printed for the board and chevron frame…so many to choose from!  Thank you to my dear friends, Rebecca and Harry for the bamboo plant.


Last stop on the ol’ tour is my desk.  My sister bought me this awesome handmade nameplate off of etsy! I couldn’t pass up the Buffalo puzzle piece either.  Cute, huh?

Coordinating storage, accessories and of course a wedding photo sprinkled in there…

Ta da! That’s my office!

I hope you liked it!  I’ll post part II once I finish my other DIY projects.  Until then, how did I do? Do you have a creative office decor/storage idea.  Please share!

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